By Kelli Tapley of Birmingham
Pediatric Associates
As summer approaches, primary care
physicians’ ears perk up when our patients
present with “went on Boy/Girl Scout
retreat a month ago and came back with a weird
rash. Now seems tired and complains
of headache, joint pain and had a painless, nontender
swelling of the face before his/her
face started to droop.” DING,
But most of us aren’t lucky enough to
get such a gift from the gods of Textbook
Presentations for Lyme Disease. Rather, we are
often faced with vague symptoms like
fever, abdominal pain, fatigue and
headache with no mention of rash or camping trips,
much less tick exposure.
A recent report from the CDC’s
Summary of Notifiable Diseases stated that cases of
Lyme Disease have increased 400% from
2005-2008. In light of the increased incidence
of Lyme Disease, as well as other
tick-borne illnesses such as babesiosis and
anaplasmosis which are both
transmitted via Ixodes scapularis, and the early
arrival of
spring, it’s helpful to review the
diagnostic and preventative measures. Although, there
is some controversy among Infectious
Disease experts as to why there has been an
increase; climate change, better
diagnostic assays, improved reporting and awareness
among physicians have all been
suggested as potential reasons.
First, it’s important to counsel our
patients and their parents that the sooner the tick is
removed, particularly if it’s noted
and removed within 72 hours, the smaller the chance
of developing Lyme Disease. Suggest
that parents have their children bathe or shower
immediately after being outdoors and
frequently inspect for ticks. While the likelihood of
our patients wearing long sleeves and
pants with pant legs tucked into socks in the
sweltering southern summers is
somewhat unrealistic, a more practical solution would
be to recommend repellants with
10-30% DEET in children 2 months and older and
spraying pesticides around the
perimeter of yards.
While it can take some time for the
symptoms of Lyme Disease to manifest after a tick
bite, if they meet the criteria
developed by the American College of Physicians (a recent
history of having resided or traveled
to an endemic area for Lyme Disease and
factor for exposure to ticks and symptoms consistent with early disseminated disease or
late lyme disease) administering the
ELISA before the Western Blot can eliminate the
likelihood of false positives. The
guidelines for interpretation are available at
Lyme disease can be caused by a bite of an infected deer tick, can be result in to a skin rash, fever, headache and fatigue.